Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Blog Silence

Apologies that it's all quiet here at the moment... life is, quite honestly, a bit poo and blogging has taken a bit of a back seat.

As I think it's important to try and focus on the positives when you can, I thought I'd share with you some things that are inspiring me at the moment or making this stupidness seem a little more enjoyable:

- Watching the Great British Bake Off, discovering Edd and Jane's blogs and remembering that I do actually enjoy baking (it's just not being able to use wheat flour that makes it feel like a pain)

- Spending time with some wonderful friends

- The textiles course I'm taking with a group of lovely girly friends. It's so nice to have 2 hours to just be creative and have fun.

- Reading - my brain has been so overloaded that when I do get a bit of spare time, all I seem to want to do is escape into a book

What's nice in your life at the moment?


  1. reading takes up my spare time too.

  2. Seems to be a bit of a blogging slump all round doesn't it? My nose has been stuck in books as well!

  3. Good to take time out sometimes. Even if it is deep in a book.


Your comments and thoughts are really appreciated :) Thank you for taking the time to chat xx